Monday, December 23, 2013

Giblet Gravy

Giblets from turkey (liver, heart, gizzard, and neck), cooked
4 cups turkey stock or broth or chicken broth or stock
2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
2 heaping tablespoons reserved uncooked cornbread stuffing mix
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/3 cup cold water
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 hard boiled egg, sliced
Cornbread Stuffing, recipe follows

Chop the giblets and the meat that has been removed from the neck. Using a saucepot, bring the stock to a boil. Add the giblets, bouillon cubes, poultry seasoning, and raw stuffing to the mixture.

In a separate bowl, mix the cornstarch and water, and add to the boiling stock, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat and continue to cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the salt and pepper, to taste, and add the sliced boiled egg.

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